
The penis

The male member

The term penis (also: member) is the medically correct term for the male sexual organ in animals, but mostly mammals and therefore especially in humans. Alongside the testicles, it is the most prominent of the external male sex organs. In addition to excreting urine, its main purpose is to carry out internal fertilization as it is done in most mammals.

Anatomical structure of the male penis

In simple terms, the male penis consists of three sections. The root of the penis (radix penis) connects the penis with muscles and ligaments in the male pelvic area. The shaft of the penis (corpus penis) connects directly to the base of the penis and ends in the glans penis. The erectile tissue in the penis is largely responsible for the stiffening of the penis during an erection when sexually aroused.

The penis as a fertility symbol

As a so-called phallic symbol, the male penis has been revered in many cultures and for a long time as a symbol of masculinity, fertility, strength and power. Men with a large penis are said to be more fertile than those with a small penis.

Diseases of the penis

The most common disease of the male member is erectile dysfunction, i.e. persistent erectile dysfunction, which hinders sexual intercourse or even makes it completely impossible. The opposite - a permanent erection that is painful for the wearer - is known as priapism.

In addition to these two disorders, which are mainly caused by psychological or medicinal influences, the most common organic disorders of the penis are stunted growth (penile deviation) or below-average growth (micropenis).